Cyber Incident Response 






 Incident Response Costs 

The following costs are usually covered:

  • To gain access to our 24/7 cyber incident response line;
  • To engage with our cyber incident manager who will coordinate the initial response;
  • To obtain initial advice and consultancy from our cyber incident manager, including threat intelligence in relation to the cyber event;
  • To obtain initial remote support and assistance from the cyber incident manager to respond to the cyber event.





 Legal and Regulatory Costs  

The following costs are usually covered:

  • To obtain legal advice to determine the correct course of action;
  • To draft privacy breach notification letters, substitute notices, website notices or e-mail notification templates;
  • To notify any appropriate governmental, regulatory, law enforcement, professional or statutory body;
  • To respond to any regulatory investigation; 
  • To defend any regulatory action.





 IT Security and Forensic Costs 

The following costs are usually covered:

  • To engage with an external IT security consultant to identify the source and scope of the cyber event;
  • To obtain initial advice to remediate the impact of the cyber event;
  • To conduct a forensic investigation of clients’ computer systems where reasonable and necessary or as required by law or a regulatory body (including a requirement for a PCI Forensic Investigator);
  • To contain and remove any malware discovered on clients’ computer systems; 
  • To engage with an IT security consultant to provide expert witness testimony at any trial or hearing arising from the cyber event.




 Crisis Communication Costs 

The following costs are usually covered:

  • To engage with a crisis communications consultant to obtain specific advice in direct relation to the cyber event;
  • To coordinate media relations in response to the cyber event;
  • To receive training for relevant spokespeople with respect to media communications in direct relation to the cyber event; 
  • To formulate a crisis communications plan in order to reduce damage to clients’ brand and reputation as a direct result of the cyber event.




   Privacy Breach Management Costs  

The following costs are usually covered:

  • To print and post appropriate notices for any individual affected by the actual or suspected cyber event or to send e-mail notices or issue substitute notices;
  • To provide credit monitoring services, identity monitoring services, identity restoration services or identity theft insurance to affected individuals;
  • To set up a call center to manage inbound and outbound calls in direct relation to the cyber event; 
  • To provide translation services to manage communications with affected individuals.








Balkan Insurance Broker (PLC)
Address:  floor 9, 2A, Klokotnitsa St. business building IVEL, 1202 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: + 359 2 917 98 60, Email: 


Advanced Vision IT LTD
Address: 35 Dimitar Hadzhikotsev str. Ent A, Lozenets, Sofia, Bulgaria
ID No: 205789039, VAT No: BG205789039
Phone: +359 888 258 530, Email: