Professional Liability 






 Professional Liability 

The Insurer covers all sums that the client becomes legally obliged to pay (including liability for claimants' costs and expenses) as a result of any claim first made against the client during the period of the policy or any applicable optional extended reporting period arising out of clients’
technology services for any:

  • Negligent act, error, omission, misstatement or misrepresentation;
  • Breach of any contractual term implied by law concerning necessary quality, safety or fitness, or clients’ duty to use reasonable care and skill;
  • Failure of a product to perform or function as intended;
  • Bodily injury or property damage and any consequential financial loss related to the bodily injury or property damage; 
  • Other act, error or omission giving rise to civil liability but not any breach of contract other than as specified above. 

The Insurer also covers costs and expenses.




 Breach of Contract 

The Insurer covers all sums that the client becomes legally obliged to pay (including liability for claimants' costs and expenses) as a result of any claim first made against the client during the period of the policy or any applicable optional extended reporting period as a direct result of any unintentional breach of a contract for the provision of client’s technology services. 

The Insurer also covers costs and expenses.




 Sub-Contractor Vicarious Liability  

The Insurer covers all sums that the client becomes legally obliged to pay  (including liability for claimants' costs and expenses) as a result of any claim first made against the client during the period of the policy or any applicable optional extended reporting period as a direct result of any act, error or omission committed by any sub-contractor engaged by the client for the provision of client’s technology services. 

The Insurer also covers costs and expenses.




 Intellectual Property Rights Infringement and Defamation 

The Insurer covers all sums that the client becomes legally obliged to pay (including liability for claimants' costs and expenses) as a result of any claim first made against the client during the period of the policy or any applicable optional extended reporting period arising out of the
provision of your technology services for any:

  • Infringement of any intellectual property rights, breach of any intellectual property rights license acquired by the client or failure to attribute authorship or provide credit;
  • Act of passing-off, piracy or plagiarism or any misappropriation of content, concepts, format rights or ideas or breach of a contractual warranty relating to intellectual property rights;
  • Misappropriation of a trade secret;
  • Invasion, infringement or interference with rights of privacy or publicity, including false light, public disclosure of private facts, intrusion, breach of confidence and commercial appropriation of name or likeness;
  • Breach of agreement, breach of confidentiality or promissory estoppel, in connection with the failure to maintain the confidentiality of a source or materials furnished by a source or the failure to portray a source or a subject in a certain light; 
  • Defamation, including but not limited to libel, slander, trade libel, product disparagement, injurious falsehood, emotional distress or outrage based on harm to the character or reputation of any person or entity;

The Insurer also covers costs and expenses.




 Regulatory Costs and Fines 

The insurer agrees to pay on the client’s behalf costs and expenses and any fines or penalties as a result of any regulatory investigation first initiated against the client during the period of the policy or any applicable optional extended reporting period arising directly out of the provision of the client’s technology services.
However, the Insurer will not pay costs and expenses, fines or penalties in respect of any regulatory investigation affecting the wider environment in which the client conducts his technology services, as opposed to any regulatory investigation solely affecting the client only.




 Dishonesty of Employees  

The Insurer agrees to pay all sums that the client becomes legally obliged to pay (including liability for claimants' costs and expenses) as a result of any claim first made against the client during the period of the policy or any applicable optional extended reporting period arising out of any dishonesty by any employee in the provision of your technology services. 

The Insurer also covers costs and expenses.





 Payment of Withheld Fees 

The Insurer covers the insured’s withheld fees in the event that a client of the insured brings or threatens to bring a claim against the insured that would be covered under the other clauses for an amount greater than the insured’s withheld fees if the insured attempts to recover the withheld fees from them. 








Balkan Insurance Broker (PLC)
Address:  floor 9, 2A, Klokotnitsa St. business building IVEL, 1202 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: + 359 2 917 98 60, Email:     


Advanced Vision IT LTD
Address: 35 Dimitar Hadzhikotsev str. Ent A, Lozenets, Sofia, Bulgaria
ID No: 205789039, VAT No: BG205789039
Phone: +359 888 258 530, Email: